Hi there! I am Prime Coder and welcome to my website!

Scroll down to know more!


Hello there, my name is Prime Coder! I am a programming enthusiast,
spending my time making 3D Video Games, websites, and apps

My Skills:


I am a huge coding/programming hobbyist. I don't do coding professionally, but rather as a hobby. I do a lot of coding in my spare time and in fact, I coded this whole website myself! I have been coding for a long time and still continue to do so and I plan to never stop! I code in mainly C# and Python.

Video Game Development

I started with video game development, quite recently. I found interest in it as it had a huge chunk of it to do with programming. I also found a way to unleash my creative inner self in a fun and happy way by making games. I could create any thing I wanted and I was only bounded by my imagination. I use the Unity Game Engine for game development.

Video Editing/VFX

I would watch movies all the time and would see all sorts of things like massive explosions, or a big gun fight sequence. I just couldn't help myself but wonder, how did they do that? I searched it up and realized that I myself could pull off something like this that would not be as good as the one in the movies but would look somewhat good. I use DaVinci Resolve for video editing and Blender 3D for VFX.


Image of contact maker

Contacts Maker

Status: Done

Type: Coding Project

This is a successfully working contacts maker made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Click me to check it out!
Image coming soon

Unnamed Video Game

Status: Work In Progress

Type: Video Game

An immersive 3D RPG and MMO open world game with quests, challenges, fighting, and bosses.

Image of Prime Coder Website

Prime Coder Website

Status: Done(Maybe: Updates to come in the future.)

Type: Website

A portfolio style website made for and by Prime Coder.

Click me to check it out!

Image of Naruto Web

Naruto Web

Status: Work In Progress

Type: Coding Project

A wiki website based aroud the anime Naruto, which has information about the characters, jutsus, and even the clans with more to come in the future.

Prime Coder's Blog

Welcome to Prime Coder's Blog! Updates on Prime Coder's projects
and any information upcoming projects will be all "blogged" here.


If you would like to contact me, then you can add me on Discord.

Discord Username: primecoder